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Results of the West Scholastic Qualifier

Writer's picture: Jef Leifeste/TofuNightmareJef Leifeste/TofuNightmare

Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake. -- Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower

The final qualifier of the season -- The West Regional -- took place on Saturday, February 27. We had 35 players compete. Four more players qualified today to bring the total to 78 players. This number is down a bit from recent years, but considering the situation in the world, I’m really pleased. I think having this many players qualified to play in our state championship after all the struggles of getting used to online chess is simply amazing! Thank you players and thank you parents for making Idaho chess great!

Everyone please, after reading my little blog here, take the time to review your entry in the roster and make sure that everything is correct. This goes for players who did not qualify and those that did. The record keeping is done by hand. The records are prepared with great care, but there’s always the possibility of an error. Send ICA an email, message me on or text me if you would like me to correct something or do some research.

For those of you that are playing State, please remember that current US Chess is required. You must also be on camera via Zoom during the time you are playing. No exceptions.

Now, here’s what you all have been waiting for…

The Nosrev boys dominated the K-5 section. Vladis took a clean first place (again) and Liam got third. Christian Palfreyman got second on tiebreaks.

Andrew Beck once again placed first in the 6-8 section. Alyssa Montano got second. And there was a tie for third with Ashton Halsey and Peter Lewis. Actually, second and third places were all decided on tiebreaks. Alyssa, Ashton and Peter each scored 2.0.

In the 9-12 section, it was Jason Snidow who grabbed first. Kiah Chaney took second on tiebreaks and Cole Gokei came in third – his first time on the podium this season.

It should be noted that this final qualifier was Jason and Christian’s first tournament of the season. What I’m trying to say is that they really had to bring their A-game today or they would’ve been toast. No stress, eh?

Congratulations to everyone qualifying today: the placers (of course), the players that got 3.0 points, the players playing in their second qualifier! And congratulations to the players that were already qualified! You guys rock! See you at State on March 20!

Don’t feel bad those of you that did not qualify. This year, ICA Scholastics has more strong players than ever. We even have some expert class players. Next year, please take my advice: play early and often, play in as many qualifiers as you can. Play in as many ICA rated tournaments that you can.



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