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MexInsurance FIDE Open

George Lundy

The October issues of Northwest Chess and Chess Life are the first of 216 nationwide ads the Chandra Alexis Chess Club is running for the MexInsurance FIDE Open. This is a 200 U.S. Chess Grand Prix tournament. We have had inquires from three GMs to date, one is 99% likely to join us and offer a Simul ($25 per seat.) More information as it becomes available.

In the past Idaho residents have had to travel out of state to compete in a world class international event. This can cost hundreds of dollars before you sit down at the board. A trip to the World Open can run $1,500 from Boise and I spent just under $1,400 at the 2021 National Open.

Entry fees can run $100 or more plus as much as a $200 play up fee to compete in the FIDE rated section.

Boise residents can now do it now for a modest $100 entry fee and 15 minute drive down to Barber Park. Your entry fee will gain access to either the Elite or U2200 Reserve section. Both sections are FIDE rated!

We are offering free entry to all FIDE Titled players GMs down to and including WCMs, who will take home 100% of their prize money. This gives many, many players, even low rated players an opportunity to improve their FIDE ratings or earn an initial FIDE rating. All for a modest ... $100.

You decide how many FIDE titled heads you wish to place on pykes next to the draw bridge in front of your castle. Dragons? Well you or your opponent may play the Dragon variation. We do not allow non-U.S. Chess Federation Dragons to enter the playing area.

$100??? well, first place is $2,500 and the Elite section offers 11 cash prizes all $300 or more...all unconditionally guaranteed! The Reserve (U2200) section is based on 100 paid entries. There are 100 members of the U.S. Chess Federation within 60 miles of Boise. The Reserve Section is offering three class prizes each down to and including the U600 section where the smallest three prizes are: $200, $100 and $50.

For information check the current issues of NWC, Chess Life or!

The two attachments are from the October issue of Chess Life under the Grand Prix and Regional section of tournament life announcements. It's true, we hit all 49 U.S. States, D.C. and the Russian Republic of Alaska.

(Yes, yes, Vinny!, I know we still have 50 states.)

Your Godfather in Chess

Don Georgio de Boise


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