Thank you to everyone who came out to play in our September Mixer and Pumpkin Patch Mixer. We had 12 players participate, which is an excellent start to getting our group active again.
So with the See You Ladder Alligator Mixer, we have an opportunity to keep building up the interest.
Here is how this will work.
With the results so far, I have created a ladder ranking each player's results and have included it below. We also decided to start the matches at 5:45 to allow people to get off work and get to the NIC Student Union building a little easier. The games will still be 20 minutes each (10s delay). This time control has enabled two rounds each night and sometimes three.
The pairings, keeping with the Alligator theme, go as follows: The lowest ranking player in attendance can choose their opponent. If the opponent is higher on the ladder, the challenger plays white; if lower on the ladder, the challenger plays black. You may pass on making a selection, and the computer will pair you up. If there is an odd number, you may need to sit out the round but will get 1 point for your efforts. New players will start at 1200.
Attached are two reports. The first has resulted from the two previous mixers, and the second shows a "what if" calculation to let you know how your score would change depending on the opponent and result. Seeing how there is less risk by going higher in your challenge is intriguing.
Here is the Ladder as of October 4, 2022. Ratings are only based on previous mixers and do not represent USCF ratings, ratings, or family ratings. Feel free to forward this email to those who want to join us. I need your help to circulate the information.
If you have suggestions or questions, reply to this email, and everyone on the distribution list will see your thoughts.
We are also playing non-ranking, casual games from 5-8 p.m. on Friday nights at the same place.