Idaho chess families are requested to host foreign students this next year with the opportunity to financially support the Idaho Chess Association!
The International Student Exchange program contacted us at the Scholastic Championship to facilitate placement of chess players that want to experience American education as students for a year with a host family. This opportunity will provide the ICA with $300 per placement or $2000 per year, depending on where in Idaho the placement is located.
NARAN (#78053) - Short/Classified Profile + Letters (Student/Parent) (Click to access)
VICTORIA (#79017) - Short/Classified Profile + Letters (Student/Parent) (Click to access)
PHAT (#80612) - Short/Classified Profile + Letters (Student/Parent) (Click to access)
Nikolaj (#80847) - Short/Classified Profile + Letters (Student/Parent) (Click to access)
Antoni (#81223) - Short/Classified Profile + Letters (Student/Parent) (Click to access)
This seems like a win-win-win situation for Idaho chess, the chess player, and school where the student is placed.
Contact the ICA, or Kirk (ISE), (208)589-0068 for more information.