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2018 Annual Business Meeting

Adam Porth

Join us on Sunday, February 18 at 8 am for the ICA Annual Business Meeting. Some topics of interest include Constitutional and By-Law Amendments.

1. Eliminate Vice President, Trustee for Scholastic Coordination, Trustee for Tournament Coordination.

2. Create four Regional Trustees in charge of running scholastic and regular events.

The Idaho Chess Association is interested in reducing functional officers to President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and to create four Regional Trustees. That would provide seven individuals for the Board of Directors. The Trustee for Tournament Coordination and Trustee for Scholastic Development will be phased out as we wish to unite regular tournaments and scholastics under the Regional Trustees. It is our hope that someone from the North Region will also step up to represent northern Idaho. This re-organization best supports and represents what the ICA has engaged in over the years. As it stands we are hoping to begin with, Jay Simonson representing the East, Barry Eacker the South Central, and Dian Chiang-Xu the West. Voting would only be interrupted this cycle and positions would continue through 2020. If someone from the north would offer themselves to the slavery of ICA for two years, we can continue to bring chess opportunities to the whole state of Idaho.

Jeff Roland will be on hand to discuss Northwest Chess issues, also.

Here is the agenda for the meeting:

2018 ICA Annual Business Meeting Agenda

Call to Order: 8:00 am, February 18, 2018

Review Procedures:

  1. Motions

  2. Seconds

  3. Recognition

  4. Debate/Comments

  5. Call to Vote

  • Main Motions: The purpose of a main motion is to introduce items to the membership for their consideration. They cannot be made when any other motion is on the floor, and yield to privileged, subsidiary, and incidental motions.

  • Subsidiary Motions: Their purpose is to change or affect how a main motion is handled, and is voted on before a main motion.

  • Privileged Motions: Their purpose is to bring up items that are urgent about special or important matters unrelated to pending business.

  • Always state a motion affirmatively. Say, "I move that we ..."


Old Business:

  • No minutes from 2016 or 2017.

Officers Reports:

  • Membership currently 120 (97 last year at annual meeting, ended 2017 at 119, 2016 was 65)

  • Scholastic Report by Dian Chiang-Xu and Alise Pemsler

  • Financial Report by Jay Simonson.

  • NWC Board member - Jeff Roland

New Business:

  • Constitutional/By Laws Changes

  • No Vice President

  • 4 Regional Trustees

  • Introduce Senior Open (50+)

  • Introduce Regional Champions (NIO, SIO, EIO, WIO)

  • Introduce Regional Championship via online

  • Captains from each region form teams

  • ICA Foundation

  • 501c3 Organization

  • Elections

Declared Trustee:

Barry Eacker


Highlights of the Year

  • 11 Regular Events (235 players 2016, 419 players in 2017)

  • 10 Scholastic Events (players 595)

  • GM Timur Events (106 players +)

  • Online payments (Eventbrite)

  • Added 3 more scholastic events and 4 more regular events

  • Introduced Secretary position

  • Donated 10 Boards to beginner’s

  • Organized School, Club, Coach section of website

  • Developed PGN tool

  • Improved Calendar

  • Maintained presence at Snake River Penitentiary (36 hours donated)

  • Representatives:

  • Barber: Kevin Xu,

  • SP: Dylan Porth,

  • Girl’s: Temi Aderogba,

  • Denker: Seth Machakos

  • State Champion: David Lucky

  • Open Champion: Alex Machin

  • State Blitz Champion: James Wei

  • Hall of Fame Inductees: C.H. Stewart, Richard Vandenburg, Glen Buckendorf, Larry Parsons, Stewart Sutton, Mel Schubert, Joe Kennedy, Hans Morrow, Jeff Roland, Roger Ottersback, Norman Friedman, Barry Eacker, Tom Booth, T.C. Hartwell

Fee Structures

Adult: $30/year or $80 for 3 years.

  • Receive Northwest Chess via periodicals mail each month.

Junior: $24/year or $43 for 2 years.

  • Receive Northwest Chess each month. Must be under age 21 at time of expiration.

Senior: $25/year or $65 for 3 years.

  • Receive Northwest Chess each month.65+ at time of expiration.

Family: $10/year or $25 for 3 years

  • Co-residents of an Adult or Junior member. Expires at the same time. If first member is a junior, additional family member(s) must also be juniors. No periodical.

ICA Affiliate Membership: $15.00/year

  • Webpage provided.



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