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Parents and Coaches Meeting Results

Adam Porth

I would like to thank Julie Nahlen, John Nahlen, David Baumann, George Lundy, Michael Henderson, Alise Pemsler, and Dianxiang Xu for taking the time to share your enthusiasm and expertise at the Parents and Coaches Meeting. Your input was invaluable and we were already able to update the website, fix flyers, and hopefully reduce any confusion in the scholastic chess program. We all have a huge responsibility to provide children with the best possible program and our efforts have paid off and will continue to as we tweak and improve our program. Again thank you for your attendance and participation.

Here is a Scholastic Brochure:

Here are the most current dates for Scholastic events: (or visit our calendar)

Meeting Outcomes:

  • Reviewed successes of past year and endorsed scholastic outcomes of 2017 including:

  • raising level of play,

  • increasing scholastic participation in ICA Open tournaments,

  • increasing number of scholastic participants,

  • legitimizing State Championship,

  • enhancing Barber, Denker, NGTOC selection process,

  • increasing number of scholastic tournament opportunities.

  • continue fiscal responsibility within ICA

  • Only post ICA events on home page.

  • Revamp trophy system to go deeper.

  • Provide Coaches Page

  • Provide School Club's Page

  • Provide Open Club's Page

  • Continue to improve finding low-cost venues

  • Introduce Dianxiang Xu as Scholastic Coordinator

  • Obtain a BSU contact.

  • Form a Scholastic Committee.

  • We are waiting to solicit donations until 5013c research is completed. Only official ICA representatives will solicit donations.

  • A Proposal to remove Qualifying Regional Events was rejected by President, Secretary, and Scholastic Coordinator.

  • A Proposal to just have one event in Boise (State) was rejected by President, Secretary, and Scholastic Coordinator.

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